Custom Computer Builds

Custom Computer BuildsDo you get frustrated from a freezing computer screen? Would you love to have a computer built to your needs? Give yourself a break and go shopping for custom computers at A Plus Computers. Located in the High Desert area, which includes Apple Valley, A Plus Computers provides customers with top of the line custom built computers. If you had your dream computer, what would you like to see included?

Top Requests for Custom Computer Customers

[list icon=”check”]Maximum memory and RAM[/list]
[list icon=”check”]High end optical, mechanical and solid state drives[/list]
[list icon=”check”]Ample size monitor screen with crystal clear picture/touchscreen optimal[/list]
[list icon=”check”]Wireless configuration for desktop setups[/list]
[list icon=”check”]Premium sound card for gaming systems[/list]
[list icon=”check”]Rugged durability with laptops[/list]
[list icon=”check”]Abundant selection of peripheral ports/USB plugs especially HDMI port[/list]

An overlooked component is memory. RAM is one of the key performers of any computer system. Most of the new computer operating systems require 2GB just to function on the basic level. Keep in mind you will want to add computer programs, files, photos and other items to your computer, which will require even more RAM. An upgrade to a new system should have at least 4GB of RAM. Anyone who wants to customize their computer should include this minimum amount of RAM in their list of necessities.

The second overlooked component of custom computers is the hard drive. In terms of space to store digital folders, files, programs, and software, you want the best at the time of purchase. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself upgrading or replacing your computer within a few years’ time. You want a top of the line 2TB for your custom computer. Better yet, opt for a solid state drive especially if you plan to customize a laptop. These drives are silent but deadly in terms of speed. Up the ante by including a 1TB mechanical drive, which can be used as an external hard drive for storing and transferring photos, music and other files.

When you are searching among custom computers, having a wide selection of options as provided by A Plus Computers fits the bill. Whether you are a gamer, business owner, freelance writer, artist, student or stay-at-home parent, you can find, exactly, what you need from A Plus Computers.