Windows 10 and the Blue Screen of Death | Apple Valley Computer Repair

Windows 10 and the Blue Screen of Death

One of the most unpleasant and infamous aspects of the Microsoft Windows operating system is the ominous Blue Screen of Death, commonly abbreviated as BSOD. Although Windows 10 and the Creators Update do a very good job of preventing this error from happening, there is always a chance of users running into it by no…

Windows 10 Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues | Apple Valley Computer Upgrades & Repair

Windows 10 Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues

Unresponsive or slow wireless connections are among the most unpleasant issues experienced by Windows 10 users who have upgraded their operating systems over the last couple of years. For those used to network management under Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, the connection delays and slow data transfer speed of Windows 10 can seem exasperating; at…

Modern Computer Repair with Remote Access | Apple Valley PC Maintenance

Modern Computer Repair with Remote Access

Thanks to the wonders of computer networking these days, residents of Apple Valley and Victorville do not always have to bring their desktops, laptops or tablets to our shop for repair. Depending on the issues, a remote access session can solve the problem while the devices and users stay home. The Development of Remote Access…