The Best Methods to Prevent Data Loss

The Best Methods to Prevent Data Loss | Apple Valley Computer

Your Data: It’s valuable to you.

Imagine arranging your wedding for months only to discover your complete set of plans vanished when you wake up one morning. This is the unfortunate reality for the unprepared. Imagine putting ten years of effort into your family’s genealogy just to lose everything you’ve accomplished due to a hard disk malfunction. This can happen. Imagine finding all of your family photos missing when you wake up one morning. This happens, and it occurs throughout the High Desert areas, including here in Apple Valley. No matter what you have saved on your computer, you value the information in those files. You may take control of how you handle your data by working with Apple Valley Computer.

Data Security: What can you do?

There is always the choice to take no action. Although it might not be the ideal choice, it is available. Occasionally, data that has been lost due to a hard disk crash can be recovered. It is a dangerous option, and occasionally not all of the data can be recovered.

Install an External Drive:

While this is an excellent solution, keep in mind that it is still a drive and subject to failure. Your computer’s hard drives would already protect your data if they were foolproof. An external drive is a good alternative, but you are merely adding a new disk to your system. The possibility of complete failure still exists.

Cloud Based Storage:

Cloud-based storage is a well-liked option for data storage, but is it really any different from keeping your files on an external drive? Yes, there are significant differences. Use cloud storage to keep a copy of your data safe. If your power supply fails, the cloud storage won’t be vulnerable to damage. This is an option, but it can be expensive and relies on the security controls put in place by someone else.


Hard drive backups are simple to perform. They can be set up to start each time your computer shuts off. You only need to put in a small amount of work, but it’s important to set up a system properly.

As you can see, you have a wide range of choices. Any of these functions can be simply added to the typical home PC. The real consideration is which backup option best suits your needs. Apple Valley Computer is here to assist you no matter which path you take. We can ensure that your machine is appropriately set up for your data backup strategy. Bring your system into our store if you need backup solutions after experiencing a data loss, or better yet before experiencing data loss. We can aid in the data recovery process. It might not be a complete loss, and occasionally all of your data can be recovered. Call us today.

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