“I’m going to get a new computer” is a simple New Year’s resolution to make; however, once the time comes when a purchasing decision must be made, the various choices require some level of consideration. The sheer amount of choices and different configurations can be overwhelming, which is why custom computer builders expect a resurgence of interest in 2016.
Custom Built Computers Customizes to Your Needs
There used to be a time when custom computers were so in vogue that major manufacturers such as Dell created a business model based on this option. In terms of full customization, Dell and other computer giants did not offer that much; however, their marketing and scalability made them very successful for a while. In the last few years, the world of retail computers mostly focused on out-of-the-box systems, but a few trends are signaling the return of custom computers.[/su_note]
[su_note note_color=”#F4f4f4″]In the United Kingdom, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has been making headlines with its commitment to advance computer science through a hands-on approach. The hardware promoted by the Foundation is a tiny and very affordable computer that does not do much on its own, but it can be customized so that it can provide a variety of solutions.
Modern Innovations More Powerful Than Ever Before
What we are seeing at A Plus Computer in Apple Valley is an interest in custom computers inspired by the tiny Raspberry Pi. A number of electronic manufacturers are producing single boards with powerful microprocessors and enough ports for accessories and peripherals; these small devices are replacing the tower computers of yore, and they allow a high degree of customization.
Clients from Victorville are intrigued about these petite machines that can breezily run Windows 10 or the latest Linux distribution. These devices do not take up a lot of room, and they can be hidden within attractive and unusual cases.
[su_note note_color=”#F4f4f4″]The advent of Bitcoin has also advanced the field of custom computer building since mining this digital currency requires special computing rigs. All the same, advances in cryptography and the Edward Snowden NSA spying scandal have prompted the custom building of ultra-secure computers by technicians who can be trusted.[/su_note]
Yet other clients are not too thrilled about smart television sets; they are more interested in home theater solutions operated from a media server. In these cases, a custom computer with the right video card, processing power, and generous cooling can be made and configured as the ultimate entertainment center.
[su_animate type=”bounceInDown”][su_note note_color=”#F4f4f4″]If you are interested in the type of custom computer work we do, please contact us today.[/su_note][/su_animate]