Thanks to the wonders of computer networking these days, residents of Apple Valley and Victorville do not always have to bring their desktops, laptops or tablets to our shop for repair. Depending on the issues, a remote access session can solve the problem while the devices and users stay home.
The Development of Remote Access Solutions
Remote access computer repair is a logical progression of the telephone and online chat tech support of yesteryear. There was a time when computer buyers in the High Desert region were offered warranties that could be honored at local repair centers or at the same store where they purchased their devices. This retail model was largely abandoned in the late 20th century as computers started to be offered through department stores, e-commerce websites and even discount warehouses; this retail shift started an era of telephone and live chat tech support.
[su_note note_color=”#F4f4f4″]Full service repair shops such as A Plus Computers flourished once desktops and laptops were no longer sold exclusively at specialty stores. Warranties do not last as long as they used to, and shipping a computer to the manufacturer for repairs is a hassle for most users. Taking a computer to a local shop has always been a better option, and this extends to remote access repair. [/su_note]
Resolving Computer Problems Through Remote Access
There are several computer issues that can be handled remotely, particularly if the device is powered by a version of Microsoft Windows; however, the number of remote access repair services for Apple devices has grown exponentially since the late Steve Jobs introduced the iOS and Mac OS X systems. Fixing computers from afar requires the use of remote access applications that must be installed in the devices used by the technician and the user; for this reason, a local repair shop is always preferred due to trust issues.
Granting remote access to a computer repair technician is something that requires a certain level of trust. In the last few years, online repair shops have used Internet marketing to massively advertise their services. There is an inherent problem with giving a complete stranger remote access to your computer; to this end, users are better off meeting with local repair technicians and bringing their devices to the shop at least once.
[su_note note_color=”#F4f4f4″]The option of remote access repair can be discussed in advance with a local technician. At this time, the remote access application can be installed on the client’s computer, and a security protocol can be agreed upon for future sessions. For more information about how we can fix your computer while you stay at home or at the office, please contact us today.[/su_note]