Why Malware Infections Increase During the Holidays | Victorville PC Repairs

Why Malware Infections Increase During the Holidays

If you notice that your antivirus or internet security software seems to be more active during the holidays, you are not alone. In fact, you may see more notifications and alerts about threats being detected and contained this year in comparison to 2015. [su_note note_color=”#F4f4f4″]A recent report published by Enigma Software, developers of the popular…

What You Should Know About Computer RAM Failure | Hesperia PC Issues

What You Should Know About Computer RAM Failure

Residents of Apple Valley and Victorville who came of age during the 1970s and 1980s will probably have very fond memories of their first family computer. It is also very likely that those old computers, despite being ruefully outdated and obsolete, would still be operational these days. History of RAM in Desktop & Laptop Systems…

Is Your Computer Ready for Virtual Reality? | Apple Valley Custom Computers

Is Your Computer Ready for Virtual Reality?

Many trends come and go in personal computing, but many of them stick around long enough to become paradigms. Mobile devices are good examples in this regard; smartphones and tablets are quickly replacing laptops and netbooks, and they can actually replace desktops in some cases. Smartwatches and other wearable computing devices are still in the…